did they really ruin my dryer? not quite. but they sure do turn gooey! i have 3 boys and one girl, and they all love dirt, digging and bugs. this blog is just a small glimpse into my life as a mom, wife and whatever else God puts before me.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

a treasure for tuesday

bonobo is 5 years old, and wants to be so much older! his level of frustration at what he cannot do as compared to his older brother is growing steadily! everything has become a competition. we are trying to deal with this as best we can, but honestly, it can be infuriating for me as a mom to deal with his explosion of emotion...usually voiced as anger. he is even creating curse words to spit out through clenched teeth. (hmmm, wonder where he picked up that talent?)

so yesterday, i was extremely grateful to have a truly gentle moment with him as they are few and far between lately.

bonobo takes his bath second most nights (unless he has 'earned' himself an early bedtime). after bath is teeth brushing and then the older sib takes his shower and brushes his teeth. while tic tac was brushing, he noticed something stuck between the drain stop and the drain:

bonobo's 2nd lost tooth!!

it had apparently come out in the 'wash,' so to speak!

tic tac was overjoyed to present the tooth to bonobo, who hadn't even realized it was missing :)

bonobo had already prepared a drawing for the tooth fairy sealed in a legal sized envelope and addressed! we taped said tooth to the front and he literally flew in joy to his room to put it under his pillow.

the best part?

he prayed with me for the first time in several weeks! he thanked God for saving his tooth for his brother to find. not earth-moving praying, i know, but for a little boy who is so angry most of the time that he walks around with his fists balled, this was HUGE!!

and as i prayed on my knees next to his bed (he was on his knees, too...another first!) i was able to express my gratitude to a God who takes care of every detail of our lives, no matter how big or small! out loud!! so bonobo was able to see that God loves him so much that He would keep that tooth for him because God knew just how much it meant to him.

how awesome is our God! He cares for every single aspect of my life! i am so glad He revealed Himself to my son last night...

and to me!

1 comment:

  1. This post made me cry and rejoice. God is so good to give us breakthroughs like that.


i would love to hear from you! we all need encouragement in our journey as moms.