we have been schooling. honest!
just not doing too much blog documentation (insert sheepish grin)
life is definitely on fast forward.
tic tac is turning 8 in a week
bonobo is just as crazy as ever
stinkerbell has way too much attitude!
and jd has learned to crawl, sit up , and this morning we noted two (!) new teeth popping through
work is keeping me super busy with new training and getting up to speed on the darn computer charting
hubby's business has 2 (yipee!!) paying clients (insert happy dance here)
all in all, a good few months. but this little blog has been neglected. *gulp*
i want to do better, really, i do. i long to be one of those mommies who can put it all together and still look awesome if you just pop in for a visit...
alas, i am not one of them (and really, i think they might only exist on the internet, anyway!)
i am messy and less than organized, and lose my temper and all that jazz. oh, well. God loves me, my hubby loves me, and my kids... well, they like me most of the time ;-)
here are some pics from the last several weeks. maybe, just maybe, i will get it together and tell you about what we have been doing :)
Now that looks like some super fun learning. The school of hard knocks sometimes gives the most lasting lessons! I just had to laugh...