did they really ruin my dryer? not quite. but they sure do turn gooey! i have 3 boys and one girl, and they all love dirt, digging and bugs. this blog is just a small glimpse into my life as a mom, wife and whatever else God puts before me.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

just arrived!

today in the mail i got this:

i am so excited to read this. i have heard so many good things about this book. i am eager to delve in and learn!!! i know that i do NOT handle my children's anger (or my own) in a positive and patient light all the time (nah, really?). and so i am going to read through it and do this

along the way. i will let you know how it goes.


  1. Hi there - this is Laura (from MckMama's car seat blog post). So glad to read that all your little ones were safe and unharmed following yur crash. Just wanted to mention that you should replace all seats that were in the vehicle crash - car insurance will cover the replacement cost.

    If you have any questions, you can always reach me at laura @ kyledavidmiller . org.

  2. thanks, laura! we ordered them the very next day :) i take no chances with my little ones if i can avoid it! keep getting the word out, though...too many parents are lax about their car seats :)


i would love to hear from you! we all need encouragement in our journey as moms.